Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I love sushi but please. I was reading an article about a sushi restaurant that serves the sushi on naked women. They take this so seriously that they have back-up girls to step in just in case a girl has a blemish-zit. Is this really what we are coming to. People are losing their houses, jobs are being lost and the homeless are now your neighbors. But my god let the men have sushi on naked women. Don't take that away from them. The injustice. What more can the rich think of to spend their money. Don't worry, dont help the homeless we are fine. We will keep your windshield clean for a buck. Than raise our children to search your garbage, which you will bitch about. Then ask your overly taned wife "What is this world coming to?"

Do I need shades?

What to do with your life:
After five years of going to school and trying to convince myself of what to do with my life I gave myself an ultimatum. I decided that if I can't figure out what to do after a month of researching than I would become one of those medical techs that you see on late night tv. My mom always wanted me to become an attorney but the idea of a lot more school was not appealing. Too lazy for that. After looking through the paper and burning out Google I finaly decided what Iwould do. I wanted to become a paralegal. I can learn about the law and I realized that I enjoyed research and writing.
I have now been going to school for this for two and a half years and I am about to finsh in six months. Scared-excited-nervous-dont wet yourself... This is what I have been thinking nonstop. Can I be an adult yet? Do I know how to be anything but a student?
Well today I had my first interview with an attorney. I was trying not to sweat and stumble around. Do I look like a dog with rollerskates? How do I talk again? Surprise, surprise it went really well. I am officaily walking on air. I think that I can be a good grown-up. Where are my shades? The future is so bright.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Where to start?

I have decided to attempt to have something published in my school's creative writing journal. It turns out that the deciding was the only easy part. I have always heard that when you start out writing you should write about something that you know. Your life, family, personal scars... It leaves me to wonder, who really wants to read about that. I think that everyone has mini little worlds rolling around in their head. Space travel, comedy, Sci Fi, Romance.. Talking about the time that I went to Disney World and found out that I was deathly allergic to the trees that surround Epcot Center and only bloom every fifty years (ever see projectile snot-avoid it) may not keep people up all night reading. Maybe.

I have started dedicating some time to this thought. Of writing not snot. While driving around I now turn off the radio and try to let my mind wonder to great story ideas. When I was younger I often carried around a notebook so I could jot them down. It seems that I was more organized back than or more idealistic. On my top ten things that I need to do before I ever leave this place is to write a book. I know that it seems like a big project but I have always dreamed of moving someone the way that I have been altered by the books that I have read in my life.

Ok, I realize that this is only for a small creative journal and the story may have to be short but the idea should still be great. I once read a short story by Bradbury about the thoughts and conversations of four astronauts lost in space in their suits and drifting away from each other. It was the spookiest thing ever. It was only three pages long. Now that is real talent.. Well I have untill December to decide and write it.
Tick Tick Tock!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Is it the season?

I found myself laying in bed confusing J at 1:30am. I was chattering away for the past few days about death and life. I think that with winter approaching that it reminds me of the limitless of life around us. I look around and see everything that I loved during the summer dying around me. It's not a depressing thought just a realistic one. J thinks that nothing is dieing just sleeping. That is a perfect answer coming from someone that has children. For the people that don't understand what I mean I will put it like this. Have you ever looked up at the sky, the whole sky and realized how big it is. To really understand how big it is. It makes you feel soo small in a good and bad feeling. It makes you realize your place in this world is smaller than it feels. It's not a bad feeling just a realization that life is this huge unending thing that keeps on going.

When the spring comes it starts over again and the thoughts of the winter are gone. I tend to wonder if mother nature likes to remind us of all the aspects of life every year. She puts us in our place. Even though I am about to be 30 I still need a reminder once in a while that the big things in my life are not as big as I think and that no matter what happens the world goes on. Growing up my mom always told me that "the majority of what you worry about never happens" and "If you expect the best that's usually what you get." I think that she is right. She always put up little positive notes around the house while I was growing up. I think that is why I am a die hard optimist.